Physician - industry interaction for the 21st century

Our Mission:

Reach. Connect. Listen.

We are a needs assessment/market insights app for the modern healthcare professional.

Gather diverse insights and fresh perspectives from customer groups that are more representative of your actual audience.

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Why We Exist

We believe making something fun and engaging improves user experience and increases customer reach and satisfaction. Typical HCP surveys are cumbersome and time-consuming, making it unattractive to most. It is our mission to disrupt that narrative by creating an attractive, compelling user experience for your customers. Gather diverse insights and fresh perspectives from customer groups that are more representative of your actual audience.

The Industrii Insider app takes the traditional HCP survey and turns it on it’s head. Designed specifically for the needs of the modern HCP, every tap, swipe, and drag has been meticulously tested to ensure optimal user experience. From the registration process, to the survey interface, to seamless payouts; we deliver a rewarding experience that keeps users coming back. In fact, it’s so good they also invite friends and colleagues to join them.

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Why is this a better solution?

Reach. Value. Speed.

More reach = better research

KOLs and industry-friendly experts are invaluable sources of market insights. That's what ad boards are for. In order to reach a more diverse and representative customer voice, you need a user-friendly, accessible solution.

Low overhead = low cost

A typical 10-question survey with 50 participants can be completed for 80-90% less than the cost of a traditional market research project with just 30 participants.

Instant deployment = speedy results

From initial discussions around objectives to final results - the entire process can be completed in as little as 1-2 weeks, allowing you to quickly react to market feedback.

Want to find out more? We want to chat too!

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